We're a little behind this month due to a case of illness, but we're on track to at least put out the Motorboat favors within the next few days. Hopefully everything required for the rest of the demo will become available soon.
In addition, we'll be making weekly updates for the Activity Feed from now on, with articles ranging anywhere from our approach to Korra's progression throughout the game to the application of real life examples of brainwashing in the writing. If you have an idea for an article, don't hesitate to contact us.
Our first order for custom event has been decided as well: an exchange between Mister and Korra that takes place early on in her training, similar to the spitting dialogue in the First Phase of "Grope Breasts".
Finally, we've shifted our focus on public feedback from a forum back to our old blog, which has been cleaned up to perfectly reflect the current status of our project. Only these kinds of general updates, already freely available on Patreon, will be posted here, so patrons need not worry about having to check both places. It will solely be for the benefit of people who want to remain completely anonymous without any work involved, yet still wish to give us their feedback.